Unemployment has always been a big problem for any developing or developed country after a crisis. This was before Pandemic, now we are faced with a wave of pandemics in different sectors due to it.
According to OECD, “ The unemployment rate increased marginally in April 2021, to 6.6% (from 6.5% in March 2021), 1.3 percentage points above the pre-pandemic rate observed in February 2020.”
More concerning than the general numbers, when we check the youth unemployment rates, the problem becomes even more acute. The OECD rate of youth unemployment (number of unemployed 15-24 year-olds) is 14.0% which is twice as much as the general unemployment rate.
This is one side of the coin, that only focuses on the situation among the people with the current skill sets. The World Economic Forum says that 50% of all employees will need to learn new skills by 2025. It’s not clear on who should pay for the cost of this reskilling, the old companies, universities, governments. This is an indication for us that shows our children’s lives will potentially be harder than our lives.
However, we know that every problem comes with its opportunity. When we dive into the World Economic Forum’s report, we see the top 10 demanded skills of 2025 would be:
“So what?” you may ask. We think having a list like this can act as a roadmap which could be used to act upon, especially to improve these skills in our children. We are acting upon this roadmap and we are creating a skillset and mindset accelerator for our teenagers, and now we call it SAGE.
The Key to saving your children’s future may be created by SAGE Programs.
Entrepreneurship includes all of these skills and more! To become an entrepreneur, you need to think differently than others. You need to learn new things and adapt them to your life. With these learnings, you need to solve complex problems. You always analyze what you do to see what works and what doesn’t. You convince yourself, your team, your customers, and investors of your vision. Every day, you learn about new technologies, and you create new ones. To overcome these obstacles, you manage your stress level. When you fall, you stand up and continue. You understand problems, create a vision, and do not stop until that vision turns into reality.
Children can acquire and improve the skills necessary for the 21st century. Children can be better prepared for their futures. Children must have a strong understanding of what entrepreneurship and innovation is. With these skills, they can determine good business ideas from bad ones, present and pitch their dreams, work with passion and purpose, and build more effectively.
When children learn about entrepreneurship and innovation, their confidence will get a booster shot. Their awareness will increase. They will be more comfortable in any setting to present their inventions and turn them into innovations. They will express themselves better, to advocate for the implementation of new things that improve life.
You do your best to give a brilliant future to your child. But it may not be enough for this fast-changing, highly competitive world. Teaching entrepreneurship and innovation to your children can be the best investment you can make.
We are ready to help, reach us for any questions or take our free course